Behold: a Breakthrough in Erectile Dysfunction Aids

Those who deal with erectile dysfunction usually have an array of other health concerns about which they have to worry. Typically, those problems include things like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and the most common cause of ED – diabetes. This disability often causes men to suffer from a loss of erectile control; but some of the more common ED treatments are not healthy enough for regular use by people who suffer from blood sugar or heart health issues. Because of this, millions of men are excited to hear about the latest breakthrough in erectile dysfunction aids.

The Latest and Greatest

One of the most popular brands of erectile dysfunction aids is known as Caverject. This state-of-the-art ED drug is designed particularly for men with diabetes, making it possible for them to achieve the erection they desire without having to worry about their health or any adverse side effects that could possibly come from using other mainstream products. In fact, the very way this drug is administered makes it a breakthrough in ED aids.

The Big Difference

Most erectile dysfunction medications are made and administered about the same. You simply take a pill and wait for the formula to go to work on your body. However, Caverject is quite different in that it is injected directly into the penis by a doctor or other health care professional. The dosage is based on your current medical status, your age, your height and weight, and your history of ED. For the most part, those who used this drug tended to be rather pleased with the end results.

Instant Results

Unlike other treatments, Caverject goes to work almost immediately, allowing you to achieve a healthy erection within 5 to 20 minutes of the injection. The erection typically lasts about an hour. It is recommended that you use Caverject 3 times per week and no more, making sure that you skip at least one day between treatments. By following the manufacturer’s advice and the advice of your doctor, you should be able to see optimal results without having to interfere with your regular medications for diabetes, heart disease, or high blood pressure.
 Some men are taken aback by the fact that the medication is injected directly into the penis. However, minimal bruising can be seen if you are careful about how you care for your member. Talk to your doctor to see if this breakthrough drug is right for you.